
Digital Vision Boards and Physical Vision Boards: Pros and Cons

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This year I did a deep dive into the world of vision boards. I loved learning about The Law of Attraction and felt immediate results incorporating visualization into my daily routine. There are two options and I want to share my thoughts on both physical and digital vision boards to help you decide which one might be best for your day as a work at home mom.

If you are not sure what a vision board is I encourage you to read this post first, read The Secret, or even watch The Secret on Netflix if that is a better match for your busy mom learning style. If you already know about The Law of Attraction and you are ready to get started, I hope that seeing my vision boards can help you decide which style would be best for you.

A physical vision board seems to be the most traditional option. My first vision board was made on a black piece of poster board and it served me well.

PROs of a Physical Vision Board:

  • Having a finite amount of space keeps the task focused. If you suffer from decision fatigue it can be really helpful to see that you have a predetermined amount of space to fill.
  • There is something magical about cutting, arranging, and gluing that helps you step away from the stress of adulting. As a grown-up, I spend a lot of time plugged into technology and this project reminded me that I should make more time in my day for hands-on arts and crafts.
  • You can start right away with a quick trip to your local store. You already know how to cut and glue and don’t have to learn anything new before taking action. Learning new software and playing with bells and whistles is not the fastest path to actually finishing and using a vision board for many people.

CONs of a Physical Vision Board:

  • Displaying a large poster can create a lot of emotions in a shared living space. Goals are very personal and it is a challenge to balance having them easy for you to see but not a topic of conversation for other members of the household.
  • Unless you have a very consistent routine that involves always being in the same room on a daily basis, the vision board may or not be in front of your eyes when you need it most. I kept mine in my online classroom which helped keep me focused on my goals when I was opening time slots and choosing my schedule. During the rest of the day, I saw my vision board less often so I felt disconnected.

I created my physical vision board first, but later incorporated a digital vision board into my daily practice.

PROs of a Digital Vision Board:

  • Since we do not have a landline phone, my mobile phone is always nearby. I want to be able to take pictures of our family memories but also call for help in an emergency. I have my vision board on a home screen of its own. It is a Google Slide Deck that I have saved as a bookmark on my home screen. When it is time for my visualization, I won’t be distracted by social media or other tempting apps. My vision board gets a page of its own and it is always a tap away when I need to check back in.
  • I like to shuffle the slides on my Google Slide Deck from time to time when I want to keep my daily practice fresh. Although I can only view the slides from my mobile device, later in my day when I am on my desktop or laptop computer it is easy to shuffle the order. The vision board on my phone will sync after I make the changes on my computer.

CONs of a Digital Vision Board:

  • Just because the vision board CAN be accessed every day on your phone, doesn’t mean you WILL see it. When a poster is hanging in your home, you walk past it in your daily life. If you are the type of person who will be distracted by other apps on your phone and not elect to open your vision board, then this may not be a match for you.
  • Some people do not feel comfortable with technology and setting up a digital vision board could cause frustration and take a lot of time.
  • Other people love technology so much that they may find themselves exploring ways to make their vision board fancy, which means it will take longer for it to be ready to use.

I’d love to know which style of Vision Board works best for you! What are your next steps towards achieving your goals?

If you loved The Secret, take a look at my other favorite books HERE

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